Friday, November 15, 2024

American Girl Dolls


American Girl Dolls

American Girl Doll - Rebecca: American Girl Doll is a truly cherished toy find. Playtime is such a treasure to watch, and you really have to cherish those times. Parents, you'll cherish the times watching your little girls and their playtime with their dolls. 

Their creativity and imagination just run wild and is amazing to take it all in. These times you will cherish forever. Our granddaughters have so many dolls that I've lost count. But, American Girl Doll Rebecca is a true companion for Guiles, our youngest granddaughter, and for Giada, her older sister Blaire from American Girl Doll is her trusted friend.

Rebecca 2014 Mini Doll (American Girl)Rebecca 2014 Mini Doll (American Girl)Rebecca 2014 Mini Doll (American Girl)Rebecca is always by her side. Playtime, dinner time, nap time. The imagination and creativity with her companion Rebecca never seem to end. Guiles brought Rebecca to bath time one night because she thought Rebecca was dirty after playing all day. But, not to worry because Rebecca was not only clean but she dried out and is as good as new.

Her full name is Rebecca Rubin she is one of American Girls' Historical Characters. Rebecca is a first-generation Jewish girl in 1914 New York City. The paperback book that tells her complete story is included. Rebecca will arrive in an American Girl Box with her paperback book. 

She is dressed in a 1914-era outfit. Rebecca has brown hair and her eyes open and close. She is 6 inches tall with a soft huggable body. The accessories for the dolls are endless. Guiles has a full wardrobe for Rebecca complete with drawers and a place to hang all of her outfits. Guiles also has a full kitchen where she and Rebecca can cook.

American Girl Dolls - Blaire

American Girl - Blaire Wilson - Blaire Doll & Book - American Girl of 2019American Girl - Blaire Wilson - Blaire Doll & Book - American Girl of 2019Check the Price

Meet American Girl Doll Blaire Wilson, Blaire is American Girl's 2019 doll of the year. She is Giada's, friend, and companion for life. 

Blaire has bright green eyes and curly red hair, she's a party planner, and chef-in-training, and works on her family farm and restaurant. Blaire is 18 inches high and made of soft huggable cloth.

American Girl Dolls, a true Cherished Toy Find for your little Princess.


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