Beat the Parent's fun family trivia board game is one the whole family will enjoy. This game is a Kids Vs. Grown-Up fun trivia challenge. I can tell you that we've had so much family fun playing this game.
Beat the Parents Fun Family Trivia Board Game: Contents
- 1 Game Board
- 110 Cards
- 4 Movers
- 6 Tokens
Beat the Parents Fun Family Trivia Board Game: Object of the Game
Now it's Kids Vs. Parents. Each team answers a series of questions if they answer correctly they move across the board. The first team to reach their opponent's starting position wins the game. Kids and parents play as teams. Kids are yellow and parents are red playing on opposite sides of the board. After the deck of questions is shuffled it is placed face down to draw from. Each team places its movers in their start spaces.Beat the Parents Fun Family Trivia Board Game: Let's Play
The kids go first so parents draw a card and ask away. If the kids answer correctly they move one mover one space on the board and the parents ask another question. Your team's turn ends when you answer incorrectly or answer all three questions on the card. As the game goes on, if you land on the same space as an opponent then the opponent's mover has to move back two spaces. Teams only move one mover at a time.Click here for more family Board Games
Beat the Parents and Beat the Parents Disney for a fun family game night
Beat The Parents Board GameSpin Master Games Disney Beat the Parents