Showing posts with label games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label games. Show all posts

Friday, November 15, 2024

Clue Junior


Clue Junior

Clue Junior

 Clue Junior is a spinoff of the classic Clue Board Game for adults. Clue Junior is not only fun for the kids. This classic spinoff makes a fun family night. Someone ate the last piece of cake. You will have to figure out who ate the cake? What time they did it? and, what they had to drink? 

The first one to figure all of this out is the winner. Clue Junior features all of the classic characters you would find in the classic Clue game. Miss Scarlet, Col. Mustard, Mr. Green, Mrs. Peacock, Prof. Plum, and introducing Dr. Orchid a genius biologist with a sweet tooth.

Clue Junior: Let's set up the first game

The game board is placed in the center of all of the players. Sort out the 7 white bases. Now, take the one with no label on it and the one with the crumbs on it and set them aside. With the remaining 5 white bases face down take one and place it in the center of the board. This will be the time the cake was eaten! Mix up the remaining white bases and place the character pawns on them. Don't look but the character with the crumbs ate the cake. 

Now you can place the character pawns onto the matching game board spaces. Now, you can set aside the two yellow bases without labels on them. With the remaining yellow bases face down take one and place it in the center of the board. 

That will be what the person who ate the cake had to drink! Place the furniture tokens on the remaining yellow bases and place them on their spaces on the board. To play another game you just repeat this process. It's a fun new mystery with every game you play.
Each player takes one of these detective sheets and a pencil. You will roll the die move around the board and discover clues. When you find the clues you mark it on your detective sheet. Keep your sheet folded so none of the other players can see your clues. Make sure you mark your sheet as you discover the clues. I've turned over the Piano twice in one game and did the same with the pool table. I guess that I'm not a very good detective.

Clue Junior: Tyler wins again

 When you think you have solved the mystery, who ate the cake, at what time, and what they had to drink. Make your accusation during your turn. Then, secretly look under the bases in the center to see if you're correct. If you are, then you win the game, if not, you're out of the game. 

The remaining players continue until someone solves the mystery. We've had some beautiful summer weather lately. We played a couple of games out on the deck last week and had so much fun.    

Clue Junior: Get one today and let the fun begin

Hasbro Clue Junior GameHasbro Clue Junior Game

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Secret Decoder Activity Sets


Secret Decoder Activity Sets

Secret Decoder Activity SetsGirls and boys alike will have so much fun playing super sleuth with these secret decoder activity sets from Melissa & Doug. 

Melissa & Doug is a well-known name for educational and learning toys. These secret decoder activity sets are certainly no exception. 

Our grandson Tyler spends hours cracking the codes and solving the mysteries with his deluxe activity set. Crack the codes, solve puzzles, decode secret messages, and solve the mysteries with secret decoder activity sets.  

Secret Decoder Activity Sets: Deluxe Activity Set Includes:

  • 3 different activity books
  • 2 sticker sheets
  • 2 decoder wheels
  • 2 color-change markers
  • 1 invisible-ink marker
  • 1 seek & find lens

The secret decoder wheel game book makes it fun to learn and write letters. Use the decoder wheel and write the corresponding letter to decode the message. On this page, Tyler decoded this list of spy gear needed for the next mission. Then he colored inside the dotted lines to reveal the picture and match each item that he decoded. At the bottom of the page, he used the invisible ink marker to reveal the correct answers for this decoded message. The decoder wheel game book is filled with all kinds of secret messages for the kids to decode. This book is certainly one of Tyler's favorites.

Secret Decoder Activity Sets: Secret Message Activity Pad

In this book, the kids can write their own secret message using the invisible ink marker. Then color over the invisible message with a colored marker to reveal the secret message. The kids can also use the decoder wheels to create their own secret message and then have a spy friend to decode the message with the decoder wheel.

Secret Decoder Activity Sets: Seek & Find Game Book

The Seek & Find Game Book is filled with exciting mysteries to solve. Using the seek & find lens to reveal the hidden clues that will help you solve the mystery. Keep a pen or pencil handy to mark down your answers in the Seek & Find Game Book. Melissa & Doug Secret Decoder Activity Sets make a perfect gift and fun learning experience for any occasion. Crack the codes and complete the puzzles to solve the mysteries. This deluxe activity set includes 50 plus unique activities. Here is a great tip if the makers dry out: Hold the marker tip under a faucet with the tip pointing up for 30 seconds. Place the cap on and allow it to sit for 15 minutes. This tip is posted on the deluxe activity set box by Melissa & Doug.

Melissa & Doug On the Go Secret Decoder Deluxe ActivityMelissa & Doug On the Go Secret Decoder Deluxe ActivityMelissa & Doug On the Go Secret Decoder Activity BooksMelissa & Doug On the Go Secret Decoder Activity Books

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Beat the Parents Fun Family Trivia Board Game


Beat the Parents Fun Family Trivia Board Game
Beat the Parents Fun Family BTrivia Board Game

Beat the Parent's fun family trivia board game is one the whole family will enjoy. This game is a Kids Vs. Grown-Up fun trivia challenge. I can tell you that we've had so much family fun playing this game. 

The fun begins as adults answer questions about kids' stuff, and kids answer questions that adults should really know. As far as the questions for the kids that adults should really know, I can honestly say that some of them don't have a clue as to the answer.  

Beat the Parents Fun Family Trivia Board Game: Contents

  • 1 Game Board
  • 110 Cards
  • 4 Movers
  • 6 Tokens

Beat the Parents Fun Family Trivia Board Game: Object of the Game

 Now it's Kids Vs. Parents. Each team answers a series of questions if they answer correctly they move across the board. The first team to reach their opponent's starting position wins the game.  Kids and parents play as teams. Kids are yellow and parents are red playing on opposite sides of the board. After the deck of questions is shuffled it is placed face down to draw from. Each team places its movers in their start spaces. 

Now for some added fun, there are "Bonus or Bust" tokens, each team has three. These are placed face-down on your own side of the board. The above cards are a sample of the 110-card deck. Note the three questions on the Ask the Parents card. I was not able to answer one of them. But, I did know all of the answers to the questions on the Ask the Kids Card. Sadly for our team, the kids also knew those answers.

Beat the Parents Fun Family Trivia Board Game: Let's Play

The kids go first so parents draw a card and ask away. If the kids answer correctly they move one mover one space on the board and the parents ask another question. Your team's turn ends when you answer incorrectly or answer all three questions on the card. As the game goes on, if you land on the same space as an opponent then the opponent's mover has to move back two spaces. Teams only move one mover at a time. 

If your team answers all three questions correctly then one mover is moved three spaces forward. If your team lands on a "Bonus or Bust" token you have to do what it tells you.

 For example, move forward 3 spaces or move back 2 spaces. The first team to cross the board and get to the opposite team's start position wins the game. Beat the Parents is just so much family fun. Even if you don't follow the rules. Just sitting around and asking each team questions makes for a fun family night.

Click here for more family Board Games

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Saturday, November 9, 2024

Lego Dimensions Starter Pack Wii U

Lego Dimensions Starter Pack Wii U
Lego Dimensions

 The Lego brand has been around since I was a kid. I remember all of my classic Lego building sets. Now Lego has moved into the video world. So now your children can enjoy the same creativity with the adventure of the Lego Dimensions Starter Pack Wii U. Or, a starter pack for a different console.

 Let the fun begin as your children will journey through many different worlds and team up with many different allies to defeat the evil Lord Vortech. The age for Lego Dimensions is 7 to 14 years old. But, I can assure you if you're a serious gamer this game is a fun adventure for the entire family young and old alike. 

Only two players can play simultaneously while the rest of the family is watching and cheering. The starter pack includes a game panel to bring your characters into the game and to life. Characters include Gandolf from the "Lord of the Rings", Wildstyle from "The Lego Movie", Batman and the Batmobile, and a Lego portal to build and set on the panel.

 When you get your starter pack, the first thing you will have to do is build a gateway to a portal. You must build the characters like in any other "Lego Dimensions" pack. Each character also comes with a mini panel that you set on the original game panel so the game knows what characters are supposed to be in the game. 

Now, I really don't know what all this means. But our grandsons Bobby and Tyler know exactly what to do. What makes this game so much fun for me? Watching them play they are so excited to explain everything about the adventure. The Lego Dimensions Starter Pack is a thumb, and kid-approved by Bobby and Tyler.

We happen to own the Wii U game console. If you don't have a Wii U game, don't worry—Lego makes the starter packs for the Xbox One, Play Station 4, Xbox 360, and Play Station 4 Pro. So, Lego has certainly got you covered.


LEGO Dimensions Starter Pack - Xbox OneLEGO Dimensions Starter Pack - Xbox OneLEGO Dimensions Starter Pack - PlayStation 4LEGO Dimensions Starter Pack - PlayStation 4LEGO Dimensions Starter Pack - Nintendo Wii ULEGO Dimensions Starter Pack - Nintendo Wii ULEGO Dimensions Starter Pack - Xbox 360 LEGO Dimensions StarterLEGO Dimensions Starter Pack - Xbox 360 LEGO Dimensions StarterLego Dimensions Starter Pack for Playstation 4 / PS4 orLego Dimensions Starter Pack for Playstation 4 / PS4 or

Wait! We're not finished yet, there is so much more to Lego Dimensions. Now that you have your starter pack it's time to expand the adventure. There are so many more options for fun with Story Packs, Level Packs, Team Packs, and Fun Packs.

 All of these additions are not game console-specific. So, Once you have your very own starter pack you can choose any of these to expand the fun.

These are the two Story Packs that Bobby and Tyler currently have. Fantastic Beasts and Ghostbusters the fun now is that you can add any character to any game and in any combination. This makes for some endless fun and adventure.


Fantastic Beasts Story Pack - LEGO DimensionsFantastic Beasts Story Pack - LEGO DimensionsGhostbusters Story Pack - LEGO DimensionsGhostbusters Story Pack - LEGO Dimensions

Click here for all the available Lego Dimensions Fun

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