Friday, November 15, 2024

Secret Decoder Activity Sets


Secret Decoder Activity Sets

Secret Decoder Activity SetsGirls and boys alike will have so much fun playing super sleuth with these secret decoder activity sets from Melissa & Doug. 

Melissa & Doug is a well-known name for educational and learning toys. These secret decoder activity sets are certainly no exception. 

Our grandson Tyler spends hours cracking the codes and solving the mysteries with his deluxe activity set. Crack the codes, solve puzzles, decode secret messages, and solve the mysteries with secret decoder activity sets.  

Secret Decoder Activity Sets: Deluxe Activity Set Includes:

  • 3 different activity books
  • 2 sticker sheets
  • 2 decoder wheels
  • 2 color-change markers
  • 1 invisible-ink marker
  • 1 seek & find lens

The secret decoder wheel game book makes it fun to learn and write letters. Use the decoder wheel and write the corresponding letter to decode the message. On this page, Tyler decoded this list of spy gear needed for the next mission. Then he colored inside the dotted lines to reveal the picture and match each item that he decoded. At the bottom of the page, he used the invisible ink marker to reveal the correct answers for this decoded message. The decoder wheel game book is filled with all kinds of secret messages for the kids to decode. This book is certainly one of Tyler's favorites.

Secret Decoder Activity Sets: Secret Message Activity Pad

In this book, the kids can write their own secret message using the invisible ink marker. Then color over the invisible message with a colored marker to reveal the secret message. The kids can also use the decoder wheels to create their own secret message and then have a spy friend to decode the message with the decoder wheel.

Secret Decoder Activity Sets: Seek & Find Game Book

The Seek & Find Game Book is filled with exciting mysteries to solve. Using the seek & find lens to reveal the hidden clues that will help you solve the mystery. Keep a pen or pencil handy to mark down your answers in the Seek & Find Game Book. Melissa & Doug Secret Decoder Activity Sets make a perfect gift and fun learning experience for any occasion. Crack the codes and complete the puzzles to solve the mysteries. This deluxe activity set includes 50 plus unique activities. Here is a great tip if the makers dry out: Hold the marker tip under a faucet with the tip pointing up for 30 seconds. Place the cap on and allow it to sit for 15 minutes. This tip is posted on the deluxe activity set box by Melissa & Doug.

Melissa & Doug On the Go Secret Decoder Deluxe ActivityMelissa & Doug On the Go Secret Decoder Deluxe ActivityMelissa & Doug On the Go Secret Decoder Activity BooksMelissa & Doug On the Go Secret Decoder Activity Books

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Beat the Parents Fun Family Trivia Board Game


Beat the Parents Fun Family Trivia Board Game
Beat the Parents Fun Family BTrivia Board Game

Beat the Parent's fun family trivia board game is one the whole family will enjoy. This game is a Kids Vs. Grown-Up fun trivia challenge. I can tell you that we've had so much family fun playing this game. 

The fun begins as adults answer questions about kids' stuff, and kids answer questions that adults should really know. As far as the questions for the kids that adults should really know, I can honestly say that some of them don't have a clue as to the answer.  

Beat the Parents Fun Family Trivia Board Game: Contents

  • 1 Game Board
  • 110 Cards
  • 4 Movers
  • 6 Tokens

Beat the Parents Fun Family Trivia Board Game: Object of the Game

 Now it's Kids Vs. Parents. Each team answers a series of questions if they answer correctly they move across the board. The first team to reach their opponent's starting position wins the game.  Kids and parents play as teams. Kids are yellow and parents are red playing on opposite sides of the board. After the deck of questions is shuffled it is placed face down to draw from. Each team places its movers in their start spaces. 

Now for some added fun, there are "Bonus or Bust" tokens, each team has three. These are placed face-down on your own side of the board. The above cards are a sample of the 110-card deck. Note the three questions on the Ask the Parents card. I was not able to answer one of them. But, I did know all of the answers to the questions on the Ask the Kids Card. Sadly for our team, the kids also knew those answers.

Beat the Parents Fun Family Trivia Board Game: Let's Play

The kids go first so parents draw a card and ask away. If the kids answer correctly they move one mover one space on the board and the parents ask another question. Your team's turn ends when you answer incorrectly or answer all three questions on the card. As the game goes on, if you land on the same space as an opponent then the opponent's mover has to move back two spaces. Teams only move one mover at a time. 

If your team answers all three questions correctly then one mover is moved three spaces forward. If your team lands on a "Bonus or Bust" token you have to do what it tells you.

 For example, move forward 3 spaces or move back 2 spaces. The first team to cross the board and get to the opposite team's start position wins the game. Beat the Parents is just so much family fun. Even if you don't follow the rules. Just sitting around and asking each team questions makes for a fun family night.

Click here for more family Board Games

Beat the Parents and Beat the Parents Disney for a fun family game night

Beat The Parents Board GameBeat The Parents Board GameSpin Master Games Disney Beat the ParentsSpin Master Games Disney Beat the Parents

Fun Learning with Puzzles


Fun Learning with Puzzles 
Fun Learning with Puzzles

Kids will have so much Fun Learning with Puzzles. We have several puzzles that we keep at our house for our grandchildren's visits. We've had our 25-piece foam puzzle of Jake and the Neverland Pirates for years. It's perfect and so much fun for our younger grandchildren.  

Fun Learning with Puzzles: What can children learn from puzzles?

From an early age, children can begin learning some wonderful skills while having fun. Puzzles will help toddlers develop early hand-eye coordination. Puzzles help build a child's fine motor skills. Small specialized movements are required when building a puzzle.

 Puzzles also build visual skills, attention, concentration, thinking, and problem-solving skills. And, the one that I like the best is a sense of accomplishment. That's the amazing look on their face when they have put the last piece of the puzzle in place and completed the puzzle. That look is priceless.

Fun Learning with Puzzles: Oh! The Fun

 Besides all of the learning benefits for the kids, there is the fun for the parents and grandparents. When our granddaughters come to visit they run for the puzzle and dump it on the living room floor. Then they say "Come on Grandpa let's put the puzzle together". Now that is beyond priceless. 

They seem to match colors and pieces together much faster and better than I do.   Puzzles are great gift ideas for your children or grandchildren. For Birthdays, Christmas, or any occasion, pick out some puzzles and let the learning and the fun begin.

Fun Learning with Puzzles

Melissa & Doug are well known for their educational toys. These fine puzzles are no exception. On the Underwater Ocean Floor, learn all about the many species of plants and fish. The USA Floor Map, learn all 50 states and their locations. Or, take a trip to space and learn about the Solar System.

Melissa & Doug Underwater Ocean Floor Puzzle (48 pcs, 2Melissa & Doug Underwater Ocean Floor Puzzle (48 pcs, 2Melissa & Doug USA Map Floor Puzzle (51 pcs, 2Melissa & Doug USA Map Floor Puzzle (51 pcs, 2Melissa & Doug Solar System Floor Puzzle (48 pcs, 2Melissa & Doug Solar System Floor Puzzle (48 pcs, 2

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Cool Sandbox Toys

Cool Sandbox Toys
Cool Sandbox Toys

Summer is on the way and nothing says outdoor fun for the kids like a sandbox. And, for your sandbox, you'll want to have some of these cool sandbox toys. 

We kept our grandson's sandbox at our house, every summer we would set it up on our deck. Every year we would always buy some new sandbox toy. So, I thought I would tell you about some of the cool sandbox toys we have collected over the years.  

This set of two is a great price and includes a dump truck and an excavator. All are made of durable plastic that will last forever and moveable parts for loads of fun for boys and girls alike.

Bobby would build roads and create mountains throughout the sandbox with this set of construction toys.


Dsn LT Turtle Sandbox - GreenDsn LT Turtle Sandbox - Green

going to need a sandbox for all of these cool sandbox toys. This Little Tikes Turtle Sandbox is perfect for your backyard. We've had this very same sandbox for years since Bobby's first birthday. 

This sandbox has molded-in seats and a colorful lid to protect your sand and toys from the weather and pets. Made from colorful molded plastic this will hold up well for many years of fun and memories.    

Cool Sand Box Toys: More fun choices for your sandbox

Melissa & Doug have been developing fun educational toys for children since 1988. The Melissa & Doug sandbox toys are no exception to their philosophy of through imaginary play kids explore, create, and discover.

Monday, November 11, 2024

How to Train your Dragon Book Set


How to Train Your Dragon Book Set

Fantasy movies for children and adults have always been popular. We all grew up with the ever-famous Wizard of Oz. A classic movie for sure, and still so popular today. What does the How to Train Your Dragon book set have to do with popular movies? Well, read on and we'll find out why the How to Train Your Dragon book set makes fantastic children's reading. And, how this popular book set went from books to movies.

On the mythical Viking Island of Berk, the dragons tormented the Vikings. Ruining crops and stealing their livestock. So, the Vikings were in a constant battle with the dragons. Then one day the Viking King’s son Hiccup changes all of this. Hiccup faces the unknown with a Night Fury dragon, and an unlikely friendship is formed between him and his new friend Toothless. Because friendship formed a bond of trust between Hiccup and Toothless. The villagers and dragons now live in harmony and help each other.   

This is a brief storyline of the animated films by DreamWorks, How to Train Your Dragon released in 2010, and How to Train Your Dragon2, released in 2014. Wait there is more, How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World has just been released in 2019 and is in theaters as of the time of this writing. The first two movies were box office hits, and I'm sure the new release will also be a hit. But, who is the mastermind behind these amazing fantasy stories?

How to Train Your Dragon Book Set:

British children’s author Cressida Cowell is that mastermind. Cressida was born in 1966 and grew up in London. As a child, her family would spend a couple of weeks on a small uninhabited island off the west coast of Scotland. There was no electricity, no houses, and certainly no cell phones back then. 

Her father finally built a small stone house on the island where they would spend most of their summers. The stone house was lit by candlelight only. Because Cressida had so much time to herself she began to draw and write stories about Vikings and Dragons at a very early age.

 Cressida went to University to study English and also went on to art school where she has a degree in graphic design and illustration. Her first children’s book was published in 1998. 

In 2002 Cressida began to write a series of books called How to Train Your Dragon, based on her writings as a child on that island. She now has twelve books in the series. This is where DreamWorks Animation comes into the picture, and takes the pages of Cressida Cowell's books to life. From children's books to blockbuster movies.

How to Train Your Dragon: The Complete Series: Paperback Gift SetHow to Train Your Dragon: The Complete Series: Paperback Gift SetHow to Train Your Dragon: The Complete Series: Paperback Gift SetHow To Train Your Dragon: 3-Movie Collection [DVD]How To Train Your Dragon: 3-Movie Collection [DVD]How To Train Your Dragon: 3-Movie Collection [DVD]

Cool Fun Science Experiments


Cool Fun Science Experiments

Explore the world of science with some cool fun science experiments. Kids are so curious as to how things work from a very early age. We've had this book since Bobby was about 5 years old. We continue having fun doing many of the experiments with him and his younger brother Tyler. This Cool Science Experiments book is always at our house. Many times when Bobby and Tyler visit we find ourselves grabbing this book to have some fun. My wife and I take great pleasure in watching them learn new things.  

 Cool Science Experiments contains 365 fun and amazing experiments. Cool Science Experiments was written and tested by teachers. You will find six different fun sections in this book. All designed for kids ages 4 to 12 years of age. All activities are designed to use common everyday household items. Well, the only problem is, if you don’t have that common item handy you’ll have to go out and buy it. Most of them are inexpensive. 

We've made several trips to the store to pick up items for a particular experiment. The book is illustrated by Glen Singleton, Glen is well known for his illustrations, kids cartoons, and popular children’s books. In each of the six sections, you will find a list of symbols indicating things like adult supervision, for all ages, or because of the tools needed for the experiment, such as scissors.

Cool Fun Science Experiments

  • Astronomy The Sun and Us: The relationship between the Sun, Earth and Moon and Orbiting Satellites: See how satellites orbit around the Earth and relay information.
  • Biology Classifying Living Things, to finding the identity of different animal Footprints.
  • Chemistry
  • The study of the elements, the compounds they form and the reactions they undergo, such as how fast a gas travels through the air.
  • Geology/Geography Geology: The study of the Earth including its composition, structure, and origin of the rocks. Discover how minerals are part of our lives. Geography: The study of the Earth’s physical features, resources, and climate. Try mapping the ocean floor.
  • Physics The science of dealing with the properties of matter and energy. See how the Earth’s magnetic force works.
  • Weather How the atmosphere affects the temperatures, wind, and rain. Try making a device that measures temperature.
All are very well illustrated with step-by-step instructions and pictures. There is also a place for the kids to take notes in every section of the book. They can document the date, and the experiment, and write notes about what they learned.

Here is an experiment from the Chemistry section. I'm sure you have all the materials needed for this experiment on hand. Find out which liquid an egg will float in.  Tyler has found out that eggs will only float in salt water. Because salt water is denser than the egg it floats. Who knew? I didn't, so even the adults can learn something new.

Disney Bedtime Story Books


Disney Bedtime Story Books

Any parent or grandparent will want to have Disney Bedtime Story Books handy and by the bedside for bedtime.
  Over the years we have read many of these stories to our kids. Now we get to read these same stories and many new ones to our grandchildren. How special is that?     
Our oldest grandson Bobby has outgrown these bedtime stories but his little brother Tyler and our granddaughters Giada and Guiliana are a perfect age for these classic Disney stories.  

Our copy has many of the Disney favorites with nineteen bedtime stories.
  Some are classics like Mickey Mouse, Cinderella, Pinocchio, and Bambi. 

And, many are new such as Cars, Monsters Inc, and Finding Nemo. All with beautifully illustrated pictures that just jump off of the pages

Disney Bedtime Story Books:

Along with the movies, this is a fun way to introduce the Disney characters to the children. The pictures are beautiful and very well illustrated making it easy to point out and learn the characters. Sometimes I try to mimic the character's voices. I'm not very good at this but it does make the kids laugh.

Disney Bedtime Story Books: Get your favorite copy now


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Lego Ghostbusters ECTO-1

Lego Ghostbusters ECTO-1   This Lego Ghostbusters ECTO-1 (10274) building kit will surely become a classic. In the latest Ghostbusters movie...

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